Sunday, April 18, 2010

Shot of Chimney!!

Main Room Just About Finished

Dave Frederick and I finished the down stairs.  He was a major help in getting it all done.  Thanks Dave!  We got held up a little waiting for the woodstove guys to punch the whole in the roof for the chimney but all in all it went pretty smooth.

Sheet Rocking Vaulted Cieling

Felt good when we finally got to this last room!

Sheet Rocking Arches

Monday, March 15, 2010

Enjoying Juneau

After lots of work on the house, while Kristen was home we took the boat out a few times and got to enjoy some beautiful views with Chachi too.

First Tiling Job

Kristen, Norm, and I put this slate floor in the utility room.  It came out pretty good and I think looks neat with the different colors of slate in it.

Upstairs hallway