Monday, October 19, 2009

We have water now!

It's been a while since I updated the blog and we've made lots of progress so look for more updates over the next few days.  The next group of pictures is from installing the top portion of the waterline.  Leslie came down from Anchorage and helped for a while.  We also had LOTS of help from Chip, Chad, and of course Tim.

Tim and Christian digging out the trench for the waterline.  We used 1.5 inch HDPE to run from the road up to the house.

Chip's dog investigating the insulation over the waterline.

Leslie delivering gravel to Christian for backfilling the trench.

This is where the waterline crosses the driveway and runs up to the house.

Leslie backfilling the waterline and insulation on its last run to the house. It was a beautiful foggy morning that day.

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